I've struggled with staying on track with losing weight. Tonight I talked with a friend from Oregon who is one of those friends that doesn't let you BS your way through anything. She never lets me have an excuse for why I'm not doing something. I was attempting to explain why I never workout at the Y (my go to one is because I work there and don't want to deal with coworkers/members while I'm working out) and she's like "if you wanted to go workout you would. There's plenty of other Y's you could go to". Sooo guess what I will be dragging myself to tomorrow. Yep you guessed it The YMCA in Prior lake, why because its the one I like and don't know a single person there. She also motivated me to use my elliptical while watching the Biggest Loser tonight. I didn't do the full 2 hours, but I did manage to do 1.5 hours. So still a win in my opinion. I think everyone needs at least 1 friend that's willing to call you out and that you don't hate because they did.
Good for you!!!