Thursday, July 11, 2013

Carb cycling and work

I've been following Chris Powell's Carb Cycling diet since mid June. Ok well I started the diet mid June, lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks and then Cassie left. When she left my diet completely went out the window. I restarted it last week (yep over the 4th of July weekend), any guesses how that went? That's right, not good at all. I broke down and bought his book (well kindle version), hoping that it would have a ton of recipes or daily menus, it does not. What it does offer is plenty of information, success stories, info on each of the different carb cycle plans and lots of tools to help in your weight loss journey. It does have recipes in it, but not really anymore then what I already have found online that he's shared. He needs to come out with a carb cycling cookbook next. He states that if you fall (meaning you eat outside of the plan) you pick yourself up, admit to someone exactly what you did, recommit and start right were your supposed to the next day. For example. I ate bread on Tuesday on my last low carb day, Wednesday is my high carb day, I continue on with my high carb day on Wednesday and follow with the plan like normal. Basically you don't try to correct the fall by redoing that day the next. Yesterday was my high carb day and today is my cheat day. So yes I picked myself up, admitted where I went wrong and all the junk I ate that I shouldn't and continued the plan where I was supposed to even though I fell almost every day since I restarted last week. I did well yesterday with the exception of having 1 tsp. of vanilla ice cream as I was preparing my cheat day treat. A peanut butter cookie ice cream sandwich. Which I will have today with lunch. I even worked out yesterday :) I'm excited about work. I had the privilege of working with my boss on Saturday, this is a rarity and I really like to. Since we had been childless we went to the fitness center, hopped on the treadmill and walked a mile. She shared with me some exciting things happening in our department and asked how I felt about her asking the director of the Y if I could be guaranteed no less than 34 hours a week. She said it would actually be 36, but she couldn't get him to let her guarantee that. She had already spoke to him of course and its a go. The hours start increasing in August and will be there in September. She's working the hours around my schedule and will hire someone to fill in where *I* need them to. Plus I will work a lot in this new venture for our department, which comes with a raise. I'm very, VERY excited about this. And before any of you ask.. Yes I have our homeschooling all figured into the new schedule. The only things I'm missing is when Cassie's class at the school will fit in and cheerleading. Well those and we wanted to do the co-op. That one might be harder to work in. Oh well, I shall sign up for it and work it out later.

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