Thursday, June 14, 2012


Today is the anniversary of the day I pledged to God and the world that I would love my husband "til death do us part." There goes that pledge! I think God and the world should be congratulating me on breaking that pledge… I assumed this would be a hard day for me to get through. However in fact, I didn’t even remember that it was my anniversary until just a little bit ago. I’ve decided to take a different approach to the day. I’m actually rejoicing. I loved being married. I loved always having a date for Friday night (if we ACTUALLY did something), having someone tell me I was loved and someone to snuggle up to at night. I’m using my wedding anniversary as a celebration of the happiness and love I felt for Aaron during our relationship. No more happiness and love, but also no more fighting and betrayal. Not as much fun as my wedding day mind you. No flowers, no cake, no gifts. So far no one has given me an envelope with cash in it (to those who do want to give me an envelope with cash in it feel free to and I gladly accept personal checks ;)!) No fun dress shopping or champagne to celebrate this day. But I accept all the good times I had with Aaron as well as I am forced to deal with all the bad times too. Someday I will flip through my wedding album exclaiming to Cassie how happy and in love her parents were and how much I was glad that day happened. I'm choosing to use this day to celebrate that I was once in love…and that I have the great fortune not to keep celebrating this anniversary with someone who I was not meant to be with “til death do us part”! I thank God I only had eight anniversaries with him and not eighty! Happy Anniversary to me!


  1. Good for you!!! Happy Anniversary

  2. you will move forward we never know what God has in mind for us but He knows! Happy New Life anniversary Crystal!


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